Ski Touring in British Columbia sets a standard world wide. The region has meters of snowfall every year giving us the most temperate glaciation on the planet.

DSK Guiding specializes in guided ski tours in British Columbia's  Coast Mountains. Based out of Whistler, we are in the center of much of the  action, with the Spearhead and Fitzsimmons Ranges just a gondola ride away. The mountains around Duffey Lake and the Hurley Pass are an easy hour’s drive from Whistler.

We have 24 years of experience offering Avalanche Safety Training (AST 1 and AST 2) courses. The training can be combined with glacier travel and navigation to create a fully-tooled winter program.

With many years of experience we can design a trip into the  Waddington, Monarch, Silverthrone, Homathko, Lillooet, Pemberton or Misty Ice Fields areas.

Our programs are privately organized. Please contact us for availability for booking the best conditions for trips. Guiding rates may be negotiable.

After you have made a reservation for one of our tours we will send you a comprehensive trip planning package that covers all aspects of preparing for your tour or course. Included is a list of what to bring on the trip, and a list of what we provide. A medical form and liability release  waiver need to be completed and returned to us upon registering.

DSK Guiding/Dave Sarkany is member of the ACMG (Association of Canadian Mountain Guide), of the CAA (Canadian Avalanche Association), and the SKGABC (Sea Kayak Guides Alliance of BC).